Current Projects


Title: Novel Experimental and Numerical Tools for Accelerated Qualification and Certification of Bonded Composite Structures Containing Defects and Manufacturing Variability
Sponsor: NASA Transformational Tools and Technologies Project
UCL investigators: Brady Brajavich, Shawn Weeks

Title: Modeling for Affordable, Sustainable Composites (MASC)
Sponsor: Air Force Research Lab through a subcontract with the National Institute for Aviation Research
UCL investigators: Chris Dahlkamp
Title: Institute for Ultra-Strong Composites by Computational Design (US-COMP)
Sponsor: NASA Headquarters, Space Technology Mission Directorate
UCL investigators: Joseph Nichols, John Fisher
Project website:
Title: 3-D Multiscale Characterization and Modeling of Open-Cell Metallic Foams
Sponsor: National Science Foundation
UCL investigators: Kris Matheson

Past Research Projects


Title: Investigation and Evaluation of Composite Repair
Sponsor: Air Force Research Laboratory
UCL investigators: Dallan Barnes, Nicholas Dorsett


Title: 3D imaging of damage in biaxially loaded composites at cryogenic temperatures using a novel micro-CT experiment
Sponsor: NASA Space Technology Research Fellowship
UCL investigators: Jordan French


Title: Micromechanical testing and modeling of fiber-reinforced polymeric composites
Sponsor: NASA Langley Research Center
UCL investigators: Caitlin Arndt, Austin Smith


Title:Experimental characterization and computational design of additively manufactured multifunctional nanocomposites
Sponsor: NASA Langley Research Center
UCL investigators: Devin Young